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免費觀賞收聽各種考題 考題一小節一小節講給你聽

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Master craft men with rich experience in the making of native toys are invited to come here and teach children to make all kinds of toys.

=> 考試準備最佳良方 6個符號英文法
Master craft men / with rich experience / in the making / of native toys are invited / to come here and teach children / to make all kinds / of toys.//

考英文革命性新方法 英文分成一小節一小節 一學就會 一學就記得 學/用/考同步 請免費觀賞收聽 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST2D6ET88NI&list=UUH1ApIHaSvdS6_JMGeQ1avA&index=1